Jack Hoogendyk - March 11th

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Jack Hoogendyk is the executive director of The Gospel TLC located in Weston. He is a native of West Michigan, having moved here with his wife and son in 2013. After several years in sales and marketing with a Fortune 500 company, Jack became the director of a pregnancy care center in Michigan in 1996. In 2002 he was elected to the Michigan State Legislature. In 2013 he moved to Wausau to become the executive director of Hope Life Center. After a brief stint working with Wisconsin Family Action, he became the executive director of The Gospel TLC in April of 2024. Jack also became the chairman of the Republican Party of Marathon County in February of this year. 


Jack and his wife Erin have been married almost 49 years. They have five children, all of whom are married, 13 grandchildren (#14 due in the spring) and one great-grandchild. They love to camp in any national park and spend as much time as possible with their family.